
Tisca Lets Matt In On a Secret

11 Oct , 2015  

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As Matt neared Ryan and his mother, he noticed the kid clearly for the first time. Earlier, all he had been worried about was if the kid was out of danger, and if the bleeding had stopped. But now, he noticed Ryan’s features and realised how very similar they both looked. Both shared the pale complexion and blond hair.

Ryan looked up enquiringly at Matt. He had never had the chance to meet him, after the accident and surgery he had been unconscious the entire time. His mother, Tisca, instantly recognised Matt and smiled up at him.

Ryan forced himself to stop staring at Ryan, and asked Tisca, “How is he doing now?” “Does it hurt anywhere?” He directed his question to Ryan this time.

Ryan in turn, looked up at his mother confused. Tisca quickly said to him in a soothing tone, “Sweetie, this is the gentleman who drove us to the emergency room.” Matt was grateful to her for leaving out the gory details of that night for the moment.

“No, it doesn’t hurt. Nothing can ever hurt me!” Ryan put his hands up to his hips in the classic superhero pose. Matt remembered being that young and feeling that invincible. He laughed aloud to hear Ryan talk like young Matt. Tisca beamed down at the kid affectionately.

“So, you were heading out?” Matt asked eyeing the loaded cart in front of Tisca. “Oh no, that’s not ours” Tisca chuckled lightly, “We just needed this cereal.” she pointed to the box in Ryan’s hand.

“Oh.” was all Matt could say. He found something strangely comforting in Tisca’s laugh. She had been a wreck in the ER that night, but now she was positively glowing with contentment. She obviously adored Ryan.

“How are things at the school?” Ryan attempted light talk as the three of them walked towards the counter. He  quickly picked up a carton of milk on the way.

“Great! I love children and their pure joy at learning anything new..” she replied “but the recent ER expenditures are not fully covered by the insurance company. so I have had to pull some extra shifts. The main thing of course is seeing Ryan well again.”

Matt stopped short and said hurriedly “I will be more than happy to cover the expenses, please let me!”

“That will not be necessary.” Tisca said firmly and placed a hand on Matt’s arm to make her point. “Ryan has other people to provide for him who have been out of the scene for far too long.” A dark expression crossed her face for a split second.

Whom do you think Tisca is talking about? 

Attention: This is a collaborative writing project. This piece of story/ scene is written by one of the many authors associated with the project. This means, you can also be an author and shape up the story-line. We would love to have your contribution in this regard. You can either comment on the story-line below or send us your piece of the story. If you wish to contribute regularly, please get into touch with us. All contributions will be acknowledged in due course. Communicate with us though This Link.

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Student at School of Liberal Studies (SLS). Documentation Writer and Casual Index Reviewer.

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This is a collaborative writing project. Stories are written by many authors associated with the project. This means, you can also be an author and shape up the story-line. We would love to have your contribution in this regard. You can either comment on the story-line or send us your piece of the story. If you wish to contribute regularly, please get into touch with us through this form. All contributions will be acknowledged in due course.