
SR Bose’s Den!

19 Oct , 2015  

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Since Dhaara knew him well, he didn’t want to be the one doing this operation on Ashwin Devkar. In all these years, he had developed his own network of professionals who would do all kinds of jobs for him… arranging miniature cameras as per his demand, fixing them as and when and where he wanted them to get fixed, keeping an eye on people to know about their routines and sometimes working as professional detectives to find something hidden and dark in somebody’s life. In his 6-bedroom villa he had a huge room that was completely dedicated to his sting operation related work. The room had a door which could be opened by his and only his index finger imprint.

He called this room “The Den”: where he hunted people using his various gadgets. The room boasted of a huge screen and a projector, Dolby surround sound speakers. The room was sectioned; a section had everything about handwriting and signature expertise, another one had everything to do with research on photographs and its development in the age old way as well as the newest hi-tech way, a section completely dedicated to financial frauds… fake stamp papers, fake bonds and even one fake currency printing machine and also a lot of literature on all these things.

There was another section boasting of all kinds of cameras ranging from the size of the button of your shirt to those large ones….and another one with stacked shelves of different kinds of chemicals and even a microscope….. The huge room was well furnished and even had a bed, a refrigerator stocked with his favourite eatables and beverages (for days when he would not want to come out of his room working on something critical). This room had given him his solid reputation and of course a lot…. a hell lot of money (no need to divulge white or black!). The room was his own sanctuary where he felt closest to himself.

He was disturbed… very disturbed after watching Dhaara on TV and nothing would make him take a good night’s nap. But that would have to wait. He would put his best man on this job. Meanwhile he needed to concentrate on that ‘lead’….. that anonymous ‘lead’…. which could lead to the greatest scandals of all time.

Attention: This is a collaborative writing project. This piece of story/ scene is written by one of the many authors associated with the project. This means, you can also be an author and shape up the story-line. We would love to have your contribution in this regard. You can either comment on the story-line below or send us your piece of the story. If you wish to contribute regularly, please get into touch with us. All contributions will be acknowledged in due course. Communicate with us though This Link.

Author: Let us Write

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This is a collaborative writing project. Stories are written by many authors associated with the project. This means, you can also be an author and shape up the story-line. We would love to have your contribution in this regard. You can either comment on the story-line or send us your piece of the story. If you wish to contribute regularly, please get into touch with us through this form. All contributions will be acknowledged in due course.