
Where is the party tonight?

12 Feb , 2016  

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Jayson was happy… very happy…. he had thrown a mini-party to his colleagues and subordinates today. He had joined iCaravan on this date… five years ago! And that surely called for a little celebration. He had ordered pizza and everyone was enjoying the treat along with soft drinks of their choice (hard drinks weren’t allowed in the office premises until unless it was an official party). His team respected him, adored him and why not! With his sheer determination, knowledge and sharp mind, he had climbed up the ladder of success to reach the position of the “Head” of the iCaravan factory assembly line, at a young age of 31. And why just his colleagues…. he was a respected man across all the divisions, especially the R & D. Nobody could beat him when it came to expertise in car performance troubleshooting and related modifications. He was enjoying the moment… smiling at the friendly banter of his colleagues, nodding at his subordinates’ good wishes.

Character Carousal

He felt alive while working. It was the evening that he was generally concerned about. Though an eligible bachelor, he hadn’t yet succeeded in meeting ‘that’ woman… the woman of her dreams… one who will blow his mind away! And after attaining so much success, he had started thinking more and more about this particular void in his life. He jerked out of his day-dreaming when a group of subordinates asked to take his leave. It was a working day of course and the lunch hours could not extend till the evening. He smiled at them and waved his hand. Within a few minutes, his chamber was again empty, all to himself. The cleaning staff appeared a few minutes after and cleared his cabin of all the remnants of the pizza treat.

He looked at the basket containing mail and official circulars, skimmed through the stack and deftly separated the ones that needed immediate response. Among other things was an invitation to a party thrown by some industrialist friend of him. The man was into packaging material business. As boring as his business may sound, his parties were the exact opposite of it. Everyone looked forward to it. Jayson kept the invitation aside. He wasn’t going to miss this one and the man had requested him twice on phone personally, to attend the party. He then got back to his work and finished in time to leave office earlier than usual. The party would at least save him from spending this special evening all alone.

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He reached his home, a luxurious 3-BHK flat on the second floor of a posh high-rise apartment scheme and freshened himself up in fifteen minutes. He was ready in the next fifteen minutes. With a six feet tall frame, blue eyes, honey coloured hair and an amazing smile, he never needed clothes to define his looks. He could look good in whatever he wore. For the party, he was wearing an off-white colour turtleneck, black jeans and a smart black jacket. He summoned the driver who took him to the venue.

The party, like the last one, was a live and colourful one. His friend Dave came forward and shook his hands warmly. “Hey Jay! The party would have been incomplete without you! What is a party without a man as good looking as you?”

“And what’s a good looking man without a woman by his side?” Jayson laughed.

“Oh… don’t say that! There are plenty here. Talk to them. I am sure you can bowl over all of them!” Dave said with a wink.

“I am looking for someone who can bowl ME over.” Jayson retorted.

“Then go take your chances buddy” Dave patted him on his back and headed towards a group of guests.

Jayson headed straight to the bar. There were many single women sitting alone waiting for someone to share a drink with them but Jayson wasn’t interested. He knew most of them. He seated himself on the bar stool and ordered his drink. While sipping his favourite flavour, he turned around on the stool and his eyes caught a beautiful girl with raven colour hair on the dance floor. She was dancing as if nobody was watching her…. true to the real meaning of dance! Dressed in a sea green off shoulder dress and flashing that dimpled smile of hers with every dance move, she seemed to ooze electricity.

“Ahhh! That seems like someone who is all set to bowl me over!”  Jayson muttered to himself and started moving towards the dance floor.

What happens next?

An Appeal

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Attention: This is a collaborative writing project. This piece of story/ scene is written by one of the many authors associated with the project. This means, you can also be an author and shape up the story-line. We would love to have your contribution in this regard. You can either comment on the story-line below or send us your piece of the story. If you wish to contribute regularly, please get into touch with us. All contributions will be acknowledged in due course. Communicate with us though This Link.

Author: Let us Write

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This is a collaborative writing project. Stories are written by many authors associated with the project. This means, you can also be an author and shape up the story-line. We would love to have your contribution in this regard. You can either comment on the story-line or send us your piece of the story. If you wish to contribute regularly, please get into touch with us through this form. All contributions will be acknowledged in due course.