
Painful Memories

8 Nov , 2015  

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The strong smell of disinfectant burned my nostrils as my brain was pushed into consciousness. There was a dull throb at the back of my head and my wrist felt tingly. A groan escaped my mouth as I tried to shift around and caused my whole body to scream in pain. I could hear the consistent beeping sound of the heart monitor balancing my racing thoughts. Flashes of that night kept appearing on the black canvass before my eyes. The hooded figure’s menacing smile. Blood dripping down my wrist. The gun pointed at me. The tear down Aleverus’ cheek. I had decided not to open my eyes, not to face reality and to keep away from the world as long as possible.

Suddenly, the throbbing began to increase near my heart as I remembered how Aleverus had betrayed me, how he had the guts to point that gun at me and even considered pulling the trigger. Did he not remember all those missions that we had been on before? How perfect of a team we had become? How could he forget all those little dangerous situation that I pulled him out of and how many times he had my back in the tough times?

My head began to buzz with all those thoughts and I decided to finally face reality. I grimaced as I slowly peeked my eyes open. The white burned my eyes like the flames of truth and I shied away. Tears trembled at the corners of my eyes as I shifted upward to a more comfortable position. While I was pulling myself up, I felt a strong and comforting arm help me up. I looked up at him and he smiled one of his goofy smiles as he fluffed and adjusted the pillows behind my back. I mumbled a thank you and his blue eyes twinkled with joy just to see me conscious. Dylan, the blonde haired detective, took a seat beside me and held my hand as he gave me a reassuring look. His presence was comforting and he understood my current need for silence.

A memory flashed before my eyes. Dylan, Aleverus and I standing by my desk in the precinct, enjoying a cup of coffee and laughing at a joke. This caused the throbbing to turn to a stabbing pain in my heart. What right did Aleverus have to change all of this that we had going? What right did he have to change every smile to a grimace of painful memories? What right did he have to fool our friendship to turn to something nasty? No, he had no right and now he would have to pay. He would have to answer for all that he had done to me and to the team. He is going to pay for it all and answer to every one of my questions and I will find him, no matter what the cost.

What happens next? What do you think?

Attention: This is a collaborative writing project. This piece of story/ scene is written by one of the many authors associated with the project. This means, you can also be an author and shape up the story-line. We would love to have your contribution in this regard. You can either comment on the story-line below or send us your piece of the story. If you wish to contribute regularly, please get into touch with us. All contributions will be acknowledged in due course. Communicate with us though This Link.

Author: Let us Write
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Student at School of Liberal Studies (SLS). Documentation Writer and Casual Index Reviewer.

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This is a collaborative writing project. Stories are written by many authors associated with the project. This means, you can also be an author and shape up the story-line. We would love to have your contribution in this regard. You can either comment on the story-line or send us your piece of the story. If you wish to contribute regularly, please get into touch with us through this form. All contributions will be acknowledged in due course.